Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Debate Challenge/ live blog

Ok, so Ian is sitting next to me. Joe is sitting next to him.
Joe was the first to show up for the debate so point for him.
Ian was the first to tell me to shut up so point for him.
McCain keeps mentioning Joe so I'm tempted to give him a point.

Obama is on the defense, he should stick to shooting 3 pointers.

I am shocked that they are against things that are against America.

Neither has agreed with McCain for that point. 9:37.

Ian is cleaning his glasses. 9:47. He thinks hes so smart cause his vision isn't as good as mine.

Joe just agreed with McCain so point for him. 9:52

Neither Obama or McCain or addressing the vampire problem. That's what I'm worried about.

Wow! I can't believe he said that's really awful.

9:59 Joe the plumber that's a point for Joe.

If someone mentions Mill or Miller point for Ian. 10ish

I don't like Obama or McCain's plan for stopping the swarms of locusts that are destroying the central part of Oklahoma.

10:07. Ok McCain sorry if you think that things should be left up to the states you are not a federalist.

My legs are sweating due to heat of computer in my lap.

Obama's anti-video game stance not winning any fans in the room.

well I grow weary of this plus im really hot.
So here is the score.

Ian gets 1 point. Joe gets 3.

1 comment:

glenn said...

Joe should have to earn his "Joe The Plumber" point by doing some actual plumbing.

Even though he didn't say the name during the debate, Obama does look a lot like Ian's cousin Reggie Miller. So point for Ian.