Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Ian's Comic


Unknown said...

It's funnier if you heard the real news about astronauts actually filtering and drinking their own piss in space.

nano said...

Ian, I think it's funny enough not knowing about officially sanctioned urine drinking.

What's especially amusing to me is that while you remembered to illustrate the effects of weightlessness in the panel where a scoop/net is needed to collect the pee, you forgot all about it in the final panels where the pee is shown resting normally in a pint glass.

Wait, that probably was unintentional humor, huh?

Anyway, your strip was far superior, in my mind. You should have won!

Unknown said...

I appreciate that, nano...

Although, even though I hate to lessen the humorous impact that I had on you, I must clarify. I actually didn't forget about the weightlessness in the glasses. If you'll notice, the urine is kinda blobbishly floating upward inside the glass.

Also, there is less urine in the second urine glass illustration. Putting the pee in a glass was the only way I could think of to illustrate that some of it had been consumed. My subpar artistic abilities made the illusion of weightlessness in the glass a hard sell. I guess I should have paid more attention to Mrs. Woods in art class!